Home > Technology > Space Published 15:03 19 Feb 2025 GMT NASA reveals 'city-destroyer' is the asteroid that poses biggest threat in agency's entire history The chances of the ginormous asteroid hitting Earth were recently increased Niamh Shackleton The chances of a city-destroying asteroid hitting Earth is very quickly increasing. The huge asteroid could collide with Earth in seven years' time and, should it do so, it will have devastating effects on our planet. While many have come to know the space object in question as the 'city-destroyer' , its official name is 2024 YR4. Advert The likelihood of the asteroid, was initially said to be 1.2 percent in 2032. However, in a worrying update, this has now more than doubled. NASA astronaut speaks out It's estimated to be about 130 to 300 feet (40 - 90 meters) wide, says NASA, which works out to be similar to the width of a soccer field. While NASA recently increas...